Gregory A. Huber

Forst Family Professor of Political Science, Department of Political Science, Yale University

Contact and other information is available on my homepage.

Portable Behavior Lab

Portable Behavior Lab

The portable behavior lab consists of 20+ wirelessly networked Windows laptops connected to a portable server. The server runs Otree, a web-based platform for behavioral games. The lab, which allows reaching subjects who are often unavailable in on-campus subject pools, is being used for my NSF-funded research, with Eric Dickson and Sanford Gordon of NYU, on institutional legitimacy.

The computers in the lab are "locked down" so that they can only connect to our portable server, and the entire network can be run without any connection to the internet. It is therefore a portable equivalent to the ISPS Behavioral Research Lab, which I direct.

Special thanks to Jeff Capuano, head of Yale's Campus Technology Services, for providing most of the retired computers now used in the lab. Also, thank you to Thomas Hallihan, the Political Science Department's Support Specialist, for helping to rebuild and reconfigure these machines.

If you are interested in building your own portable lab using Otree but are more comfortable using Windows rather than Linux, I've created a VirtualBox compatible Fedora image that already includes Otree. You can use to run your local Otree server without internet access. Here's the link.

Portable Behavior Lab
Portable Behavior Lab
Portable Behavior Lab